Important Considerations
Retirement is a milestone achievement, and it’s often a challenge to settle on the right time to leave the workforce.
Many people who retire for financial reasons later decide to return to work because they enjoy it so much.
Retirement means different things for different people. For some, it might mean retiring from their jobs; for others, it might mean taking up a whole new lifestyle. Before deciding whether to go ahead with this step, be sure that you understand what to expect.
For example, going back to work could impact your:
Taxes — When you go back to work, you will be taking home more than your passive income. This additional money could bump you up a tax bracket, which would mean paying more in income taxes.
Taxes are one of the most common expenses for retirees and people who are re-entering the workforce. They are often overlooked during planning because they are considered part of everyday life, but they do affect how much money you’ll save and what kind of lifestyle you can afford.
Retirement planning should include tax considerations. If you are considering retiring early, you must understand how much income and capital gains taxes you would pay if you sold assets at their current value, which could significantly reduce your savings. This is especially true if you plan to live off the sale proceeds rather than continue working. On the flip side, if you plan to stay in the workforce longer, you might consider delaying retirement until you reach age 70½ so you qualify for full Social Security benefits. You can then take advantage of the higher earnings limit (currently $106,800) to boost your lifetime benefit payments.
If you decide to postpone retirement, you will likely face higher taxes in addition to having less money available for living expenses. For example, if you retire at age 65 and earn $60,000 per year, your Social Security benefits will be reduced by approximately 25%. However, if you delay your retirement until age 70½, your annual earnings will increase from $60,000 to $106,800, and your Social Security benefits will rise accordingly. In this scenario, your total taxable income will increase from $30,000 ($60,000 – $26,800) to $42,200 ($106,800 – $64,600). That means you will owe roughly $1,400 in additional federal income taxes annually.
The amount of taxes you pay depends on several factors, including where you live, whether you file jointly or separately, and the type of investments you hold. To help you determine how much taxes you will pay, we recommend consulting a qualified financial planner or accountant.
Insurance — Insuring your retirement — Depending on your age you may already have Medicare Coverage. If you accept a Full-Time Position you might have access to Company Sponsored Healthcare. If you choose to opt Into Employer Sponsored Insurance plan, you’ll Need to Figure Out What Coordination of Benefits Works. Also, Remember That You Cannot Contribute To an HSA if You Have Medicare.
Retirement is one of the most significant life events in which people plan their future. It’s often a time when people take stock of what they want out of life and how much money they would like to save. Retirement is a chance to spend your time doing things you enjoy rather than working at a job you don’t care about. However, many people find themselves returning to work after retiring because they still need income. This means that they must consider the implications of this return to work.
The first thing to think about is whether you should continue to receive any benefits from your employer while you are back working. If so, these could include health insurance, pension contributions, paid holidays, sick leave, maternity/paternity pay, etc. You might even get a salary increase if you were previously earning less than your colleagues.
If you do decide to go back to work, there are several factors to consider before making a decision. First, you should make sure that you are able to afford the cost of living while you are away from home. Second, you should check whether you are eligible for any government support such as disability payments or housing benefits. Thirdly, you should look into any additional costs you will incur due to commuting. For example, if you live far from your workplace, you may need to purchase travel expenses (e.g., petrol) or childcare. Finally, you should ask yourself if you really want to go back to work. Many people find that they miss having a regular routine and spending time with family and friends.
Once you have decided to go back to work and you have considered the above points, you should start thinking about how you can best manage your finances during this period. You can use our calculator to figure out how much you will earn per hour, and then compare this amount with your current earnings. You can also calculate how long it will take you to repay your mortgage, rent, or loan. You can also estimate how much you will need to save every month to cover the cost of your new lifestyle.
You may also want to contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau to see if they can help you with financial issues. They may be able to advise you on ways to cut down on your monthly expenditure. Alternatively, you could try contacting your bank or building society to see if they can provide advice.
Social Security — If you’re considered below full retirement age, going back to work may result in part of your Social Security benefits being withheld. If you decide to return to work within a year of retiring, you have the option of paying back any benefits you have received and applying for full Social Security benefits later.
Retirement Accounts — Going back to work may allow you to contribute to a current employer-sponsored retirement account. And don’t forget about your required minimum distributions (RMDs). Just because you go back to work does not mean you can skip taking RMDs on certain types of retirement accounts. If you do, you could face a tax penalty.
Do you have questions about managing your finances before and after retirement? Reach out today.